Simple Tomato and Pea pasta

Now that it’s cool I try and have a warm lunch with Connor  most days. He so busy now that he is walking so I try and give him a big feed to fill him up before his afternoon sleep.

This simple dish is great for lunches, it’s so quick to make and it has pasta so it’s always a hit in our house.

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Luscious 3 Ingredient   Chocolate Mousse  

So I love love love sweet foods, I have a super crazy sweet tooth. I also love really quick dishes that I can knock out while Connor is sleeping.

This one ticks both boxes it’s sweet and sugary and only takes 10 minutes to make. So I won’t withhold the goodness from you any longer here it is, luscious 3 ingredient chocolate mousse.

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Tropical BBQ Beef Shishkebabs 

It’s hot here, in case you didn’t know. It’s like 40 degrees in November hot and I do not want to cook in the house. The dishwasher makes our kitchen to hot to stand in summer, so there will be no using the oven while there is this heat wave.

So that brings me to why where here. Let me start at the beginning, we had some steak that had been frozen in a huge pack Mr S defrosted it for tea as I wasn’t getting back till after lunch. So now it’s defrosted it  needs to be eaten.

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Beef Stir Fry with Egg Noodles.


Mr S loves the beef and black bean you can get at pretty much every Chinese takeout. I am not a huge fan its a bit strong for me. So I made a compromise and made a stir fry that we can both enjoy. This stir fry is simple and takes about 30- 40 minutes to cook not including prep time. You can use any type of noodles, meat or vegetables you and your family enjoy but this is what works for us.

Continue reading “Beef Stir Fry with Egg Noodles.”

5 Baby or Toddler Lunches & Snacks

Here is little list of snacks for morning, afternoon tea or lunch. When making a snack I try and work on 1 protein, 1 fruit or veg and one extra. I also consider what Goobs has already had in that day as to wether he’s meeting his 2 fruit & 5 veg.

I think it’s really important to think about meal sizes to, Goobs is a big eater. He eats a lot but I also know if there is food in front of him he will eat it even if he’s not hungry. So keep in mind how much your Bubba needs.

Continue reading “5 Baby or Toddler Lunches & Snacks”