Tropical BBQ Beef Shishkebabs 

It’s hot here, in case you didn’t know. It’s like 40 degrees in November hot and I do not want to cook in the house. The dishwasher makes our kitchen to hot to stand in summer, so there will be no using the oven while there is this heat wave.

So that brings me to why where here. Let me start at the beginning, we had some steak that had been frozen in a huge pack Mr S defrosted it for tea as I wasn’t getting back till after lunch. So now it’s defrosted it  needs to be eaten.

Continue reading “Tropical BBQ Beef Shishkebabs “

Beef Stir Fry with Egg Noodles.


Mr S loves the beef and black bean you can get at pretty much every Chinese takeout. I am not a huge fan its a bit strong for me. So I made a compromise and made a stir fry that we can both enjoy. This stir fry is simple and takes about 30- 40 minutes to cook not including prep time. You can use any type of noodles, meat or vegetables you and your family enjoy but this is what works for us.

Continue reading “Beef Stir Fry with Egg Noodles.”

5 Baby or Toddler Lunches & Snacks

Here is little list of snacks for morning, afternoon tea or lunch. When making a snack I try and work on 1 protein, 1 fruit or veg and one extra. I also consider what Goobs has already had in that day as to wether he’s meeting his 2 fruit & 5 veg.

I think it’s really important to think about meal sizes to, Goobs is a big eater. He eats a lot but I also know if there is food in front of him he will eat it even if he’s not hungry. So keep in mind how much your Bubba needs.

Continue reading “5 Baby or Toddler Lunches & Snacks”

Bannana, Mango and Spinach Smoothie

Goobs enjoying his smoothie.
Goobs enjoying his smoothie.

As you can see I love adding spinach to my food and Goobs food. So before I share some information my why spinach is so good for you.

“It (spinach) is well known for its nutritional qualities and has always been regarded as a plant with remarkable abilities to restore energy, increase vitality and improve the quality of the blood. There are sound reasons why spinach would produce such results, primarily the fact that it is rich in iron. Iron plays a central role in the function of red blood cells which help in transporting oxygen around the body, in energy production and DNA synthesis. Spinach is also an excellent source of vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C and folic acid as well as being a good source of manganese, magnesium, iron and vitamin B2. Vitamin K is important for maintaining bone health and it is difficult to find vegetables richer in vitamin K than spinach.” –

We should all be eating spinach on a daily basis however I know I’m not a huge fan of spinach. Actually once you would have seen me actively avoiding it but now I try and have it as least 3 times a week. Now this delicious recipe is fantastic at hiding the taste of the spinach, plus its creamy.


  • Servings: 1
  • Difficulty: easy
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This recipe is just to serve one bubba so approximately 200ml.


1/2 Banana

1/4 Mango

1/2 cup of Spinach

Milk (this can be formula, breast milk or any other milk you use)


  1. Add all ingredients but the milk into a food processor (whatever you use normally). Blend into a smooth puree
  2. Add milk until smooth drinkable consistency.
  3. Watch you little one ENJOY!

This recipes can be modified to make as much as you want. Goobs and I often share our smoothie.

Our delectable smoothie
Our delectable smoothie

Goobs and I have a smoothie most mornings before brekky.

Healthy Fruit “Lollies” For Kids

I’m always looking for snacks for Goobs. I want something that’s fun healthy and has limited sugar. TA DA! Here is a recipe that has NO SUGAR and is tasty.  Plus there are endless combinations to make more flavours. Today I made Pear and Super berries as well as Mango.

Robot Jellies, this is the pear and super berries flavour.
Robot Jellies, this is the pear and super berries flavour.

Continue reading “Healthy Fruit “Lollies” For Kids”

Flavoursome Homemade Mince and Veg Meatballs.

Hi Lovelies

Here is a new recipe for you all to enjoy. I am always trying to find ways to add veggies into our meals, especially Goobs meals as he is in the transition period between puree and proper meals these are both healthy and delicious.

The final product, it was delicious. Any some lovely roses from my cousins. Also this is a MR S bowl so its a BIG.
The final product, it was delicious. Any some lovely roses from my cousins. Also this is a MR S bowl so its a BIG.

Continue reading “Flavoursome Homemade Mince and Veg Meatballs.”