The Seasons of Friendships 

Friday on the way to the doctor to get my arm looked at (got bit by a spider and now it’s infected. Apparently I will live!!) I was listening to the podcast The Well by Rebbeca Sparrow and Robin Bailey. This weeks podcast (listen to it here) was all about friendships and in particular female friendships.

From the podcast I had one particular quote stick with me, so much so that I had to tell everyone I spoke to about it.

“You have a friends for a reason, season or a lifetime”

How true is this??

You have those friends who you spend time with due to convience work friends, school friends or your partners girlfriends and I’m not saying these friends can’t change from there category but that’s where they start.

You have those friends that are around for awhile. For a period of time they are there for everything, they support you through the good and the bad. But sooner or later life changes, your perspective or needs change and those friends move on.

Then you have your lifetime friends these friends you don’t have to see everyday or even every month but when you need them they are there on your doorstep at 3am. These are the friends you call when shit is going down and you need advice or even just a stiff drink and someone to listen to you.

As I listened to the podcast I couldn’t help it think back through my life (I know it’s only 23 short years) but I saw friends from each of these catergories. I had my friends from school most of whom I don’t even speak to anymore.

I had friends who where there for years, through first loves and heart breaks to engagements and falling pregnant with Connor, but then life changed and we went our seperate ways. I am even lucky enough to say I have my lifelong friend, she’s been there for the good and the bad and is always there when I need her.

There were so many parts of this podcast I loved and I can’t write about them all here but I do really think you should check out the podcast  and if you love it you should subscribe because I think these ladies are going to be full of great advice and a few good laughs.

Have you had friends for a reason or season? Do you have a lifetime friend?? Did you listen to the podcast??? Let me know.

Pol X

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